pretty sure i've shared this activity before, but it's worth repeating, especially now that we've adapted it to fit the little guy. cookie sheets or broiler pans are great to contain spills. a large container holds about a gallon of water, and the kids can scoop and pour from it to their hearts content, provided it stays put on the cookie sheet. lots of bowls and cups and spoons and, lucy's favorite, lidded jars. hudson appreciates things that cling & clang when banged together--with him participating we keep the breakables to a minimum. a beach towel on the floor beneath the kids feet keeps things from getting slippery. bonus points if they get it really wet--when they're running around like banshees and you're wiping up with the towel, you're working your way to a clean floor. score.
spring is officially here! we've endured 3 weeks of downpours and have emerged with a renewed appreciation for sunshine. a camping trip is in the works and i personally can't wait! we have new chickens to introduce and lots of vintage goodies to share. my spring resolution is to return to this space--hold me to it, kay?